Mobile Monday: Toronto Transit Tracker


Today we look at Toronto Transit Tracker. A handy app that uses real-time information about when the next streetcar will arrive. the next Streetcar will be arriving. There are 3 tabs to the application, Favourites, Streetcar and Map.

Favourites, shows the stops that you have marked as favourite including next vehicle time making it great for a quick lookup.


Streetcar, lets you choose Route, Direction and Stop and provides you with the next available streetcar. You can see up to the next 5 cars.


Map, allows you to see all the stops on a route as well as where each of the streetcars actually are.  It’s fascinating to watch as the streetcars bunch up at different times during the day.


I love having this app, but until the TTC starts providing data for buses and this app adds supports for them I wont really be using it every day, but if you use streetcars regularly it’s a must have.

If your interested you can get it from the Android Market Place here

3 thoughts on “Mobile Monday: Toronto Transit Tracker

  1. I wish Ottawa had something like this. OC Transpo yanked the public GPS information so it’s no longer available.

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