POD: A Book from the Past


Last week we received a box of books, going through it this weekend I found lots of great books that the kids will love, I also found one that interested me, CyberSurfer: The OWL Internet Guide for Kids, by Nyla Ahmad. The first thing that caught my eye was how proudly it proclaimed “Cyber Blastoff Disk: With Hypertext Links for WIN/MAC”. It seemed so quant. What amused me more was as I flipped through the pages and found this:


The book was published in 1996 so it’s a window on a completely different internet then the one we have today. So the addresses in the book are no longer active, but it still presents an interesting look at how the internet works. If fact it even includes information about Archie, Gopher and Newsgroups. Now if I could only find a floppy drive to see what’s on the disk.

Our bonus picture is an example from inside of the book:



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