Today I return to my blog. I’ve wanted to return to blogging for a while, but I just never seem to have the time. Sure January 1st seems like the more traditional time to reboot my blog, but it didn’t work for me this year. Besides resolutions never seem to work, and starting on January first would have felt like a resolution. I know that once you I get back into the rhythm of posting I can keep it up. I managed to post a Picture a day for over 5 years. I can do it again.
So why February 1st? Well, there are only 28 days in February. If I can post a picture each day for just 28 days I have hit my first month. It might be a silly reason, but I want to get back to posting and have any reason to start helps. Beyond that, I liked it starting on a Friday, weekends are easier for pictures, even if we have no hockey games this weekend. Plus it gives me a few days to write my post for Monday.
So what does my return to blogging look like? I don’t know yet. First will be the posting of my picture of the day, starting tonight I will share a photo each day. Beyond that, I am planning to write some posts about different things that interest me. My goal is to post 3 a week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Of course, the writing will depend on me finding the time to write, but I’m hoping that with a little bit of effort I’ll be able to get back into it. That is if I can focus on actually writing and not redesigning the look of my bog.
So stay tuned, you should be seeing a lot of new things here in the coming weeks.